Inclusivity at The English Farm

By Patrick on May 23 2024

What sets The English Farm apart from many other online schools and organisations is our teachers

From the start our founder, Matthew, recognized the value of hiring native and non-native English speakers to further our cause. While many schools tout their solely native English staff as an obvious way to learn the language, we have devoted our time to nurture a diverse and even more inclusive community. 

A community of teachers who understand the struggles our students face and have overcome them. Teachers who simplify language learning and exemplify the types of people our students could encounter in their business interactions. All this provides a realistic and organic environment in which our students can practise their language skills.

Our Staff

It was important to our founder and hiring team to “accrue like-minded people who have the same work ethic, the same concern for their students and for The English Farm. And they know that they're respected. We treat them with integrity.”

Matthew is quick to acknowledge the handful of key personnel who were part of the organisation as it took root, some of whom remain at the company to this day. Each of these like-minded people were chosen because of their diversity and different styles of teaching. 

Our teachers are a part of big our team. This team includes admin, support, sales and tech staff members. It may come as no surprise to learn that most of our team are still current or former teachers. In Matthew's words, this demonstrates his conception of The English Farm as “a collective, teacher-led institution that is flat, so that people always have access to me, have a high level of communication, and a culture which is not competitive but collaborative.” 

The same logic held as the company scaled. “It was really important for me to create a community,” he remarks. Testimonials of current and former staff members point to the idea of open communication, honesty and being treated well as professionals and people. This was instilled from the outset and remains ingrained in the culture to this day. 

Our Teachers

The English Farm nurtures teachers and students to give them the best opportunity to grow as people and language learners. We believe that teachers, both native and non-native English speakers, who demonstrate proficient or higher language skills are valuable. 

In fact, non-native teachers’ knowledge at times can surpass those of native speakers because they went through the process of learning the language themselves. They acquired it from the basics rather than being immersed in it from birth. 

The English Farm has the added value of being able to offer language teachers from multiple continents which only benefits our students' growth and global perspective in preparation for their future business exchanges. 

If you’re interested in learning English with us, sign-up for a first lesson and experience first-hand what we can offer you or your organisation!

tout [verb]; to advertise, talk about, or praise something or someone repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging people to like, accept, or buy something

solely [adverb]; not involving anyone or anything else; only.

accrue [verb]; to increase in number or amount over a period of time

take root [idiom]; become fixed or established