Consulting 1.5 Starting with a new team: Review

This is a review of the previous four lessons on introductions and first impressions.

Warm Up
  1. Thinking back on the previous four lessons, which points were easy? Which were difficult? 
  2. When will you need to introduce yourself in English?

How would you greet the following people? 

  1. An English-speaking colleague is joining your team. You are meeting her one-on-one for the first time. 
  2. You are meeting a client for the first time in a small presentation. 
  3. You see your new English-speaking colleague again. It's lunchtime on a Monday and it was raining all weekend. 
  4. Think of a person you can introduce to your new English-speaking colleague, and give them an impressive introduction. 
  5. You are meeting an English-speaking partner at your firm for the first time. 

Think of one more situation where you might meet an English-speaker for the first time.