Business English for Consultants

The English Farm | Business English for Consultants course

This course is for anyone planning to work in a native English-level consulting workplace. It is built for intermediate, upper-intermediate, and advanced speakers.

Stage One: office essentials

The first stage covers all the practical day-to-day skills you need to make a good impression, maintain a strong working relationship, and build your network with both colleagues and clients. These lessons are vital because while you may have studied these topics before, you have likely not updated your language for the consulting workplace. As a consultant, you do not only have to get your point across in English, you have to be impressive enough to build trust.

The skills you will learn include: 

  1. making a great impression with colleagues on a new team, 
  2. setting meetings and making plans,
  3. professionally thanking, inviting, offering and apologizing to clients and colleagues,
  4. communicating on the telephone and over email,
  5. describing how your tasks and projects are progressing, and
  6. giving and receiving both spoken and written feedback.

Stage Two: consulting specifics 

Practice key aspects of a successful expert interview. Use the right level of formality, establish context, and introduce questions smoothly. If you have to interview experts in English, this is the course for you.

Consulting 8 Expert Interviews for Consultants

Time to complete

40 lessons (for Stage One)
90 lessons (for Stage One)