Consulting 3.3 Winning quick interactions: Offers

This lesson is about using smooth, natural language to offer various things.


Offering is a key aspect of hospitality. Doing so quickly, smoothly and confidently will help you stand out from the crowd.

Warm Up
  1. Have you ever offered to help someone in need? 
  2. Can you think of a potential future situation in which you would need to offer help?

A. Asking a question is the most common way of offering. Arrange the questions below from most formal to least formal. Note that in the first list, the subject is "I".

  1. Can I get you something to drink?
  2. Shall I get you a glass of water?
  3. Could I take your coat?

Work with your teacher to think of a few more verbs that work in the above examples.

B: Again, arrange the questions below from most formal to least formal. In these questions, the subject is "you". 

  1. Would you like tea or coffee?
  2. Do you need a hand?
  3. Would you care for some refreshments?

Work with your teacher to think of any more offers that work in the above examples.

C. If you are certain the person requires your assistance, then you can make an offer with a statement:

  1. Let me give you a hand. 
  2. No problem. I'll just run off a new copy. 
  3. Here's a pen/Here you go/Here you are.

Work with your teacher to think of any more offers that work as a statement.


What would you do in these situations?

  1. An elderly man is standing in front of you. He's trying to lift his bag up onto the overhead luggage rack.
  2. You see a new recruit in the hallway of your office looking confused.
  3. Your client's pen runs out of ink.
  4. It's a hot day and an international guest arrives at your office. 
  5. Now it's raining and the international guest is about to go outside.