Consulting 2.3 Setting up a meeting: Rescheduling or declining

In this lesson you will practice politely declining, giving a reason, and offering to reschedule.


If your junior colleague makes a request that you don't want to do either because you don't have time or it's not in your skill set, what would you say? Can you decline positively while keeping the relationship strong?

Warm Up


Ken, a junior consultant, is scheduled to have an update meeting at 4 PM with a very strict, hands-on principal. Ken's teammate Sarah has offered to meet with him at 2 PM to help him prepare.

Via email

Hi Ken, 
      Apologies. I have to push back our prep session. The client meeting went long, and now I'm running behind schedule. Would 3 PM work?

     Understood. Actually, I just got a call from the principal. He wants to bring the meeting forward to 3 PM.
     Thanks for the offer to help! I'll take you up on it next time.

Ten minutes later:

Ken: Hey Phillis, do you have two minutes? I just need a second set of eyes on some analysis.
Phillis: No problem. Let me just save what I'm doing...
Ken: Thanks. I have a meeting with the principal at 3, and I'm not sure if I'm ready. Could you take a quick look at these findings here? 
Phillis: Okay, let's see.
Ken: These are from the surveys we conducted last week. This is the part that I'm having trouble with.
Phillis: Okay, do these confirm the hypothesis?
Ken: That's the thing, I'm not sure. 
Phillis: I see... You have a lot of data here. Honestly, my instinct is to be frank with the principal. Tell him straight you don't know if these confirm the hypothesis. I wish I could help you more but I'm in the middle of some analysis myself.
Ken: You don't think he'll be annoyed? 
Phillis: I wouldn't think so. The data looks clean, and honestly, you're still learning the ropes. I bet you'll be fine. 
Ken: Okay. Thanks. 
Phillis: Anytime. Let me know how the meeting goes. 
Ken: Will do.


A. Rescheduling is a big part of a consultant's life. 

Discuss the following phrases with your teacher:

  1. Push the meeting back 
  2. Bring the meeting forward 
  3. The meeting went long 
  4. I'm running late/behind schedule 
  5. Reschedule the meeting

Work with your teacher to reschedule, using the following situation. This is your schedule: 

10:30–10:50 AM meeting client-side to confirm the strategy 
11:30–12:00 PM meeting @ the office with team leader, Tim
12:00ish lunch with Sarah 
5:00–5:10 PM

team meeting for a quick update 


Unfortunately, the client gives you a lot of unexpected feedback. It's 11:30 and the client is still talking.

What do you do? 

B. Hopefully, you won't have to decline often, but if you do, there are some phrases you can use to do it in a positive way.

Match the responses below to the following questions: 

  • Your team leader: "I just had a meeting cancelled. Can we bring our evening meeting forward and meet in 20 minutes?" 
  • Your colleague: "Hey, are you hungry? Phillis and I are going for pizza. Wanna come?"
  1. I wish I could.
  2. I'm sorry, (but...)
  3. I apologize.
  4. It sounds like a lot of fun, (but...)
  5. I'd love to but...

Next, offer a short explanation. Use your schedule and offer a few potential reasons for why you have to decline. 

C. Here are a couple of strategies for declining politely. Discuss them with your teacher:

  1. Suggest an alternative 
    • If you need to leave early, can I just send you an email instead?
    • I don't have time for a drink tonight, but I can get a quick coffee with you shortly.
  2. Lead the listener to say "no" for you
    • I've got a meeting with Phillis at that time, but I think I can push it back if necessary. Do you need me to do that?


    Consider the following situations. What could you say? Can you think of more than one phrase or strategy?

    1. Your principal would like you to meet tomorrow morning, but you have a meeting with senior management at that time. 

    2. Your team leader asked you if you are available for a midnight teleconference with New York. You have an internal meeting at 7 AM the next morning.

    3. Your counterpart at the client company is having an event next month, but it is at the same time as your global training. You have enjoyed working together and want to go, but it's not possible.

    4. Your colleagues want to go out for a late dinner, but you are exhausted.